How to Choose Board Portal Software for Business

Board portal software can enhance business meetings by reducing the time spent on preparing and distributing materials for meetings. In addition, the technology can help save money by reducing costs of paper, binders and courier services. There are many options available on the market. It is crucial to choose a product that meets your company’s needs.

When choosing a board portal, look for one that is intuitive and user-friendly. Board members are usually busy, and they will be more likely to accept the system if it’s user-friendly. Choose a system that lets directors access agendas and books of the board from any device. This is especially important for digital natives or board members with a millennial background who expect to use the same tools at work and in their personal lives.

Another consideration is how secure the system is. Board-level documents should be secured against unauthorized access. Check if the portal supports encryption and uses a secure document center. Also, it’s recommended to not store the files in email inboxes as this could pose a security risk, and could expose sensitive information.

Also, look for a built-in electronic signature facility which is compliant with industry standards and can verify authenticity digitally. This can facilitate meetings while making sure that documents are signed with confidence. Also, consider a secure storage system that allows archiving and can be accessed both online and offline.