How to Conduct an Effective Board Meeting

A successful board meeting requires a thoughtful and structured decision-making process that considers the perspectives of all stakeholders. This requires thorough research, the participation of experts on the subject, creation of a culture that is supportive of opinions that are not shared, as well as productive and healthy discussions.

Start on Time

By beginning and concluding your board meetings on time you show efficiency, avoid fatigue, and create a focused and active atmosphere. It helps to set expectations and prepare attendees for future meetings.

Set the Agenda

Make sure your board meetings are productive by preparing an agenda that has a clear plan. This allows you to cover every important topic without spending too much time on reports or administrative items that aren’t essential to the decision-making process. Start with the most important topics and complete the task on time.

Create a plan for each topic

Make sure your board members are aware of the goal for every discussion subject, whether it’s to gather information, draw a conclusion or some other goal. Your attendees will be in guiding the discussion toward the intended goal while avoiding irrelevant and repetitive subjects.

Include an executive session in every board meeting. This is a short (15-minute or less) segment reserved for Board members only, not the management team.

Use this time to discuss major milestones, performance of the company, and any obstacles. This is the perfect opportunity to develop and brainstorm strategies for the future achievement of the business.