Psychology and Computers

The psychology field and computers are interwoven in numerous ways. Technology has a significant impact on the way psychological research and treatment are performed. In reality, psychologists can now reach a broader population and provide services in more efficient ways. This is particularly true during pandemics, such as the recent Covid-19 epidemic, where digital technology allows patients to receive treatment at distance.

Computers have a long and rich history in the study of human psychology. It all started with the development of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanners and electroencephalogram machines, which allow scientists to take snapshots of the brain during psychological experiments. Computers also allow to store and analyze vast amounts of information, helping to develop more accurate, replicable studies.

Computer-aided design allows researchers to develop sophisticated mental models. These models can be tested in different situations to see how they react. This is a significant improvement over traditional methods of gathering psychological data, for example self report questionnaires or interviews. These are only able to capture only one aspect of the subject at a given time and require subjects be encouraged to participate.

In the present computers and psychology have become interwoven. Students studying psychology are well-positioned to help develop technology that will determine the future. This is especially true because our relationship with technology continues to change. New tools to measure and assess are constantly being developed. Collaboration across disciplines is becoming increasingly important both in the creation of these programs and in understanding its impact on the people. This is reflected in our degree program, which includes core psychology as well as computing modules, as well as a strand of design-related shared modules.