What to Include on Your Board Meeting Agenda

A well-written board meeting agenda is the base for every boardroom session. It sets the tone for how involved your board members are when they discuss and outlines the topics you’re planning to cover and gives you a head start on taking comprehensive minutes to document your decisions.

The ideal agenda for your board meeting should contain a section dedicated to reporting. This is where department chairpersons and committee heads can communicate important information to the rest of the board. Based on the requirements of your company, this could include reports from committees and departments of particular importance including the finance director, executive director or nominating commission.

The next item you should discuss is “new business”. This is the time when you and your colleagues will discuss new ideas that have been brought up during your previous meeting and the best way to advance. This is a great time for discussion and debate, so be sure to give ample time. This is often when your board decides to adjust, to table, or to pass an item to another committee.

During the new business section it is also commonplace to include a space for announcements and congratulatory messages. This is a chance to show your board members some appreciation and show that you care about the contribution they make.

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