Working With Documents

Documents are a part of every job. Documentation can help streamline the process of executing projects by defining steps, providing a record of decision-making and status and keeping track of the major and tiny aspects that comprise the larger picture. Documentation is often neglected however it is vital to the growth and success of any business or organization.

Traditionally the term “document” is used to refer to printed documents however, the methods of documentation are currently expanding beyond that scope. Documents can refer to any physical representation of data: photographs, drawings, videos, etc. All documents are.

A document can be structured as a list or form, semi-structured, like books or newspaper articles, or unstructured, such as an unwritten note. Documents can be classified as public, private or secret.

Whatever their form or form, most documents that are created in an organizational environment adhere to certain standards and conventions that are universally accepted by the organization. This ensures all new documents are of the same design and structure. This creates greater transparency and consistency in the workflow of documents within the organization and the entire ecosystem.